Saturday, November 15, 2014

Where did this bag come from? I mean, where did Oswald supposedly get it? 

Did he bring it with him the night before? In that case, how did Frazier fail to notice it? Are you going to say that Oswald put that bag in Frazier's car on Thursday afternoon, and Frazier didn't notice it? 

And if you assume that, then you have to assume that Oswald brought the bag with him to work on Thursday morning. So, how come nobody at the TSBD noticed it? He walked into the building with that big and unusual bag and nobody noticed it? 

Or, do you presume that Oswald found the bag at Mrs. Paine's house and just helped himself to it? But, that is a big presumption. Wouldn't Mrs. Paine know if she had a bag like that or not at her house? Did anyone ask her? And since she is still alive, why doesn't someone ask her today? 

But, how likely is it that she had a bag like that at her house? Do you have a bag like that at your house? 

How come the bag is much longer than the bag that Frazier described? Frazier was, and is, adamant that it wasn't that big. 

Reportedly, the rifle was wrapped in a blanket at Mrs. Paine's house. But, nobody ever said it was disassembled. So, when did Oswald disassemble it, and how could no one realize he was doing it? Didn't they hear him? Wasn't he strangely missing? Couldn't they hear him in the garage fiddling with the rifle and looking for a bag? Or, do you think he got up in the middle of the night and did it? But, it was a small house, and he was sleeping with his wife. Wouldn't they have heard him then? 

Rifles don't come in bags. They don't usually come in anything, but if they came in something, it's a case and not a paper bag. So, that bag definitely wasn't associated with that rifle. So, where did Oswald get that bag? And since the rifle was just wrapped in a blanket at Mrs. Paine's house, there's no reason to think it came with anything. It was just a rifle. It was moved around as an object- a rifle- and that's it. There is no reason to think there was any bag involved. 

So, if you want to say that it was Oswald's bag, where did he get it? Or, if you want to say that it was Mrs. Paine's bag, where did she get it? 

But, before that old woman dies, we better get to her and find out if she is claiming that it was her bag. Does anyone know how we can reach Ruth Paine?

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