Thursday, November 20, 2014

What is happening here is that people are conflating Oswald's involvement in the false defector program with an involvement in the JFK assassination. But, they were unrelated. 

Once Oswald got back from Russia, and they decided to make him the patsy in the JFK assassination, it changed everything. They weren't feeding him information about it. They kept him in the dark about it. They had no reason to tell him anything about it. There was nothing they needed from him except for him to show up and be the patsy. 

They didn't need him to open any doors for them, and they certainly didn't need him to do any shooting. 

I keep telling Richard Hooke that nobody in his right mind would have wanted Oswald to be a shooter on 11/22/63. He never was an expert marksman, and the man hadn't shot since 1959. Never did he shoot at a person, and never in his entire life did he do any shooting that was comparable to the 6th floor shooting. 

Would you let someone operate on your brain who had never plunged a scalpel into a cranium before?

And why would they take the chance of informing Oswald? They knew he wasn't a killer. They knew he had nothing against Kennedy. They knew he wasn't the kind of agent who was up for that kind of thing. What if he got cold feet? What if he told somebody? What if he tried to get help? What if he panicked and did something rash? What if he just didn't show up for work that morning? It would have ruined everything for them. Why would they have taken a chance like that? Didn't it make more sense for them to just try to keep him happy; try to keep him in the dark; and try to keep him clueless?  

In fact, why weren't they smart enough to realize that if they told him what was going on that he might send a telex to the FBI or try to contact them in another way? Why would they take that chance? What did they need him to know for? 

And they had to know that, despite their best efforts, he might get arrested and spend some time in custody. So, why fill him up with information, including names, places, dates, etc. that he could pass on to police? Why would they arm him with information he could use against them? 

The whole idea that Oswald was both patsy and participant is nonsense, and it is highly detrimental nonsense. 

Again: once the decision was made to use Oswald as the patsy, the world turned. Everything changed. It was a new paradigm in which framing Oswald as the patsy flowed over everything. It was like the past never happened. From that point on, he was just the hapless patsy and that's all. They were playing him like an instrument. They were not confiding in him; they were not trusting him; they were not using him for anything else. 

This is not the face of a guy with inside knowledge of the plot.

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