Saturday, November 22, 2014

First of all, Backes, you did a bad thing. It was not only wrong; it was illegal; it was criminal. And you know what I'm talking about. You also know what I did when I realized what you did. 

At this point, you might want to hire a good criminal defense lawyer- and a civil one too.

Now, moving on:

That's what I have been saying for months. How could Oswald have sent it when it's from the Director to the SACs? And, I know who the Director of the FBI was, Backass. 

And you misunderstand, Backes. The people who vouch for this telex don't say that Oswald was the informant who is mentioned in the telex. THEY SAY THAT OSWALD SENT IT. Get it? That is their claim. It's not my claim; it is their claim. 

And by the way, since it was sent on November 17, why would Oswald have been asleep at Ruth Paine's house? Wasn't it the night of November 21 that he slept at Ruth Paine's house? On November 17, he was presumably sound asleep in his room on Beckley, no? 

The following is from McAdams' interactive timeline of the life of Lee Harvey Oswald:

November 15, 1963: Marina advises LHO not to come the following weekend as Michael Paine will be there to celebrate his daughter's birthday.

November 17, 1963: Ruth calls LHO's rooming house at Marina's request to find they don't know him by the name LHO Harvey Oswald. 

If Ruth Paine called LHO's room house on November 17, then he obviously wasn't at Ruth Paine's house on November 17.

Besides, if Buell Frazier had driven Oswald to Irving the very weekend before the assassination, wouldn't it be part of the official record? Wouldn't we all have heard about it?  

Backes botched that one, but do you think he is going to acknowledge it? Hell no. You see: love means never having to say you're sorry, and stupid means never having to say you're wrong.

And, that is a much bigger mistake than my getting the time wrong. I said 1:25 when it actually says 1:45. Big deal.

And Backes, I know that internal FBI telexes are not the same as public telexes. But, from Dallas, the only telex that Oswald could have sent was a public telex. What else? And again: the claim of those who vouch for this is that Oswald sent the telex. THEY SAY THAT HE ACTUALLY SENT IT, DESPITE IT SAYING 'DIRECTOR'. Do you get that or not?

Then, Backes defends the idea that Hoover could have sent it despite the numerous and atrocious misspellings because he was uneducated. 

Well, if that's true then let's see all the other communications from him within the FBI with writing this bad. How bad is it? The writer used the word "logical" when he meant "local". Now think about how often the word "local" would be used in police work. Would the FBI get that wrong? He referred to Kennedy's "proposed" trip to Dallas. Proposed? By November 17, it was way beyond proposed. If it were 6 months away you could speak of it being proposed but not just a few days off. There is "bhrgeu" for "bureau", "gropup" for "group", and "assinated" for "assassinate". That's right: the writer even got the tense wrong. Show me any other FBI communication that is that deplorably written. 

Finally, Backes, you stupid, brainless mudder-rucker, why don't you start by laying out your opinion? What is it that you believe about this? You obviously don't believe that Oswald sent it, but do you believe that Hoover did? Is that what you're trying to say? And do you believe that Oswald was the informant that is mentioned in the telex? Is that your conclusion? 

So, are you saying that you do believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was an informant to the FBI about the JFK assassination? That he knew it was going down, and he tried to warn the FBI about it? Is that your conviction? Because that is what Judyth Baker is claiming, and if you agree with her, then fucking say so.     

Because the way your writing reads at present is that you don't know or care what any of it means; you just want to put down Ralph Cinque. 

So, what the fuck is your position on the fucking telex, Man? Tell us who you think sent it and whether Oswald had anything to do with it or not. Personally, I think the whole thing is bogus. But, I'll say it again: You tell us who you think sent the telex and whether Oswald had anything to do with it or not. 

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